Defibrillator near

Im Tessin steht der Bevölkerung ein Defibrillator pro 295 Einwohner zur Verfügung (Stand 2018). Das Tessin weisst eine Überlebensrate von 57% auf.<br />

Find a defibrillator? How do I know if there is a defibrillator nearby?

The emergency number 144 can tell you the nearest location. However, only some of the publicly accessible defibrillators are known to 911.

Storage and locations

The mounting of a defibrillator (AED) must be done in a suitable place. Special wall mounts or wall boxes are available. However, easy recognition and removal, safe storage and regular visual inspection should be possible without visual changes (e.g. glass display cases). The more often the defibrillator is seen, the more likely it will be remembered in an emergency situation.

How do I recognise a cardiac arrest?

Cardiovascular arrest can occur without prior signs. However, it is often preceded by a heart attack or a cardiac arrhythmia.

Signs of cardiac arrest are:

  • Affected person does not respond to loud talking and shaking
  • The affected person does not breathe

What do I do in the event of a cardiac arrest?

  • Alert the emergency number 144
  • Request a defibrillator (AED)
  • Start immediately with cardiac massage (100-120 per minute, 5-6 cm deep or 1/3 chest diameter in children, pressure point in the centre of the chest) followed by two breaths (if possible).
  • As soon as the defibrillator arrives, follow the instructions on the machine. A shock within the first 3-5 minutes increases the chances of survival by 50-75%.