Defibrillator for communities

In Ticino, there is a defibrillator for just under 300 inhabitants in the event of an emergency. This figure from the end of 2018 is rising, and with it the high survival rate of just under 60%.

The life-saving surge in cities and communities

It makes sense for the common good to install defibrillators wherever many people come and go - or even where people rarely pass by because the community is rural or remote.

The messages from a tourist town with remote outer parts, from an industrial town with many rural facing communities and from the idyllic village are clear: The common good demands publicly accessible defibrillators in addition to fire extinguishers, zebra crossings, cycle paths and pavements!

Equipment that is available 24 hours a day and never locked up - accessible in two minutes, even if the school or bank is closed or the large joinery is on holiday.

More and more local councils and city parliaments are aware of this responsibility and are actively taking it on. More are likely to follow! The positive news is that it even works with the village police as first responders or a subsidy to the population to attend a course in cardiac massage and operation of an AED. It works!

Have you already thought about it? Are you prepared for emergencies in your community? Defibrillators save lives!

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