1 4 4 - L'appel

It is always difficult to work between life and death. Rester en sécurité afin de pouvoir secourir en cas d'accident est une priorité. Under the pressure of the time that passes, from the intervention site to the hospital, some must be stabilised and others resuscitated.

Journée nationale de l'urgence 144

Journée nationale de l'urgence 144

Following thecall for 144, the professional ambulance workers are engaged, but they do not arrive until the fifth stage of the rescue operation, which includes five.

They only come when things go wrong, even very wrong. They arrive the soonest possible with their intensive care on four routes to provide emergency care, stabilise or rehabilitate a patient so that he or she can survive and arrive at the hospital that is intended for him or her.

Throughout the country, 14 April is dedicated to the emergency number 144, to ambulance services, and to the professional security services, the ambulanciers. Informe toi lors de ces manifestations locales qui pourront te renseigner sur les professions, d'ambulancier, de la police et des pompiers. Cette journée du 14 avril est dédiées à ces héros!