Like a fire extinguisher

  • defibrillator-firefighter-resqshock
So wie im Brandfall der Feuerlöscher zum Einsatz kommt, muss bei einem Herznotfall ein  Defibrillator in Griffnähe sein, um einem Mitmenschen erste Hilfe zu leisten. <br />

It is about safety

In Switzerland, one person dies every hour from sudden cardiovascular arrest. In sudden cardiac arrest, the so-called "ventricular fibrillation" often occurs. The victim collapses suddenly and sometimes without any warning, loses consciousness and immediately stops breathing - now time is running out for his survival!

If resuscitation measures are not initiated immediately and the ventricular fibrillation is ended within a very short time by defibrillation, there is usually no chance of survival.

The faster a defibrillator is on site and a person in ventricular fibrillation can be defibrillated, the higher the success of a resuscitation attempt.

We are working hard to ensure that comprehensive safety precautions in buildings include not only fire extinguishers but also defibrillators. Cardiovascular arrest often occurs like a fire, unpredictably and without any warning.

Fire extinguishers and defibrillators are like insurance - better to have and not need than the other way round.