Every day your heart

If the annual 14 February celebration of the many so happily connected hearts seems too commercial to you, one thought is still worth this consideration: why don't we give a little heart every day?

Heart over head

In an environment where head supposedly rules over heart, although we ourselves and the experts know better, that we actually function the other way round, i.e.: heart over head. It doesn't take much to do that. It starts with simple things like taking a phone call, saying thank you at the checkout, overlooking the fact that things are not going perfectly according to Mr. Etiquetteer at the lunch table. Or when you forgive your spelling mistakes, generously overlook a non-verbal gesture and try to stay calm in commuter traffic. Show yourself some heart with your generosity to yourself and others, and to your time: by allowing an extra 10 minutes in the morning before you leave for work. Yes, we all have a bit of this Valentine in us ;-)